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I made myself write, the last time I had a depressive panic attack. I hope this helps people feel like no matter how depressed they are feeling or what scary things they are thinking, please realize, you are not your thoughts or feelings, and in time, they will pass. Here is what I wrote: I feel like if I write things down then they are real. I am afraid of being here... of letting people in. I don’t like getting hurt. I feel like that’s what keeps happening. People cut themselves to feel. To feel in a controlled way that only effects themselves.. but for the first time I understand where those people are coming from. How can you balance conversations so you’re giving what was contributed? But then, how do you make sure to not give too much so you don’t push people away? Idk. “Everything is amazing” is bullshit. My heart is beating out of my chest. I feel miserable, like I’m going to have a panic attack. Why do I hate myself?