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Almost two years later I learned that it was my body fat percentage that lead me to anxiety and depression. Yes, and little did I knew about it, physical health not always looks the same in everybody. I have always struggled with body image issues (I still do), but ever since middle school I discovered that my body could do so much more than looking good, so I escaped that fear with sports, they gave me confidence and self love. Being a runner means making "sacrifices" to achieve goals, so two years ago I started going to a nutritionist to "perform better", the problem was, he was not professional and lead my body to consume it self and me to a crisis that almost ended in a terrible suicide. Did you know that having so little fat percentage leads to anxiety and depression? I didn't. I got really sick, sad, I had no energy, and I wanted just to stop breathing. I have had panic attacks, a lot of them, but that day was different, the fear disappeared, and the sadness was much deeper, I called my dad and told him I wanted just to stop living, but that I also needed help. So I drove myself to him, crying and hoping for a crash, but kept going. He took me to the psychiatrist who gave me Clonazepam, and we started my recovery. My family wouldn't understand, cause "I had everything", so why was I so sad? Latter on I took on AD, took me a year, and a stupidly shit load of money (mental health should be accesible to all), a lot of therapy and family discussions, but I am finally out, and determined to stay far away from there. So probably the lesson I learned, is that my body does much more than looking good and running, it holds me.