I'm an adult survivor of childhood sexual abuse. So my story with anxiety started when I was a kid, I just didn't know what all those symptoms and unusual reactions were.
After almost two decades of suffering from it and coming out about the abuse, I acknowledge it was anxiety and later was diagnosed with chronic anxiety. The physical symptoms, I could say are worse than the psychological ones. I suffer from insomnia, gets worse with time and it's triggered by nightmares (most about my abuser, or situations where I want to do something but I can't). I get panic attacks and tunnel vision. The worse are the panic attacks, they caught me out of nowhere and sometimes I don't have the "tools" to handle it right away. For example, being at work and knowing it's about to happen and I can't just run out of a meeting and lock myself in the bathroom and calm myself. In my actual job, I decided to tell my colleague/boss that I was going through a healing process (therapy to deal with the abuse) and that I'm diagnosed with CPTSD and chronic anxiety. I found it necessary to say it, because it could only get worse if I had to contain the first symptoms of a panic attack, the other ones I do an extra effort to keep them under control and be a functional person at work. Also, palpitations that lead to chest pain and difficulty to breathe or take a deep breath, which makes me even more anxious and I start crying, while still trying to catch my breath.