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I didn't know what exactly mental health was until I realized that my own is going down the drain. Living with a constant feeling of emptiness is not easy. I feel like there's no way out and I'm trapped in my own body. I feel like somebody else is controlling my head constantly switching me on and off. There's always this empty feeling in my gut when I wake up less interested in seeing a new day. Putting up a facade of normality in order to 'fit in' is a cumbersome task. I still haven't found any answers as to why I'm  undergoing whatever it is. I cried enough and now I'm just exhausted. I'm a teenager and so I was worried that my parents would just brush it off by treating all of it as some "teenage shenanigans", although I wish it was that simple. I'm trying hard to be my own anchor because at the end of the day it's just myself that'll be with me no matter what. "This too shall pass" is just a glint of hope to see what life has in store.