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It's a classic case of too much, too soon. One of my first friends in college, well we got close real quick and we were unavoidably thick.. spent hours and hours talking and everything, so much that I nearly forgot the loneliness I lived so naturally with, because I was always a natural outcast at school and automatically when such a person came along, it flowed too quickly, and I forgot all the pain, but this happy space and time did not last long.... Now, my depression, my loneliness, it's back, and how! I've been trying to get a hold of myself, trying to forget it, trying to move on, but with natural factors such as being an outcast and all, I've almost become too lonely. I can no longer even request a conversation, I'm afraid I'll make her mad, or maybe she won't like it. I long so much for a friend to talk to, but nobody wants to listen. I normally don't feel the need for favours to be pushed on me, but the way I am now, I just wish some of the people who I listened to for so long when they wanted it, at least returned the favour, it's become that hard. I'm ashamed that it has come down to this, but that's the way it is. To all those out there, who can listen, do it, because there may be a friend who needs an outlet, just to feel that little itty-bitty bit better than he or she was a second ago, try to figure it out too, because often, they cannot speak it out loud, and that's unfortunate, and can't get worse than that.